
Write Formula for Finding Selling and Cost Price When Profit or Loss Percent is Given.

By BYJU'S Exam Prep

Updated on: September 25th, 2023

There are several formulas to calculate the selling and cost price when the profit or loss is given. Two commonly used formulas are CP = SP – Profit and CP = SP + Loss. Finding the selling price and cost price when the profit or loss percent is given is an essential skill in business and commerce. These formulas provide a way to calculate the prices of goods and services, taking into account the desired profit or incurred loss. Understanding these formulas is crucial for sellers to ensure the success and profitability of their business. Read on to know the different formulas to find the selling and cost price when profit or loss.

What is Selling Price?

The amount of money at which a product or service is sold to customers is known as the selling price. It is determined considering various factors such as production costs, operational expenses, desired profit margins, market demand, and competitive dynamics. A well-calculated selling price is essential for the profitability of any business. It requires considering the cost price, which is the original price of acquiring or producing the item and adding a suitable markup or profit margin to cover expenses and ensure a reasonable profit.

Selling Price Formula

The selling price (SP) formula is a mathematical expression used to determine the price at which a product or service is sold to customers. It is derived by adding the cost price (CP) to the desired profit margin (PM). The formula can be represented as:

  • SP = CP + Profit margin
  • SP = CP – Loss
  • SP = CP + (Profit Percent/100) x CP
  • SP = CP – (Loss Percent/100) x CP

Here, SP is the selling price, CP is the cost price, and PM is the profit margin. The profit margin can be in either in percentage or numeric form.

What is Cost Price?

The amount of money at which a product, asset, or service is obtained is known as the cost price. It encompasses all the expenses incurred in acquiring or producing the item, including the cost of raw materials, labor, manufacturing overheads, and other associated costs. Moreover, it helps in determining the selling price, calculating profit or loss, evaluating profit margins, and assessing the efficiency of production or procurement processes.

Cost Price Formula

The cost price (CP) formula is a simple calculation used to determine the cost at which a product or asset was acquired. It is expressed as:

  • CP = SP + loss (when selling price and loss is given)
  • CP = SP – profit (when selling price and profit is given)

By using these formulas, one can find the cost price of an item when the selling price and either the profit or loss percentage is known.

Selling and Cost Price Formula When Profit or Loss Percent is Given

There are numerous formulae to find the selling and cost price, but it mainly depends on the type of question asked.

First, let’s consider the scenario when there is a profit. The formula to find the selling price is

  1. SP = CP + (Profit Percent/100) x CP
  2. SP = {(100 + P%)/100} × CP

Here, CP represents the cost price of the item, and the profit percent is the percentage of profit desired. By plugging in these values, we can calculate the selling price.

Conversely, if there is a loss, we use a similar formula. The formula for finding the selling price (SP) when there is a loss is

  1. SP = CP – (Loss Percent/100) x CP
  2. SP = {(100 – L%)/100} × CP

To find the cost price (CP) when there is a profit, we use the formula

  1. CP = SP – profit
  2. CP = SP / (1 + Profit Percent/100)
  3. CP = {100/(100 + P%)} × SP

Similarly, the cost price formula when there is a loss is

  1. CP = SP / (1 – Loss Percent/100)
  2. CP = {100/(100 – L%)} × SP


Write Formula for Finding Selling and Cost Price When Profit or Loss Percent is Given.

The formulas to find the selling and cost price when profit or loss is given are CP = SP – Profit and CP = SP + Loss. By applying these formulas, one can calculate the selling price and cost price, taking into account the desired profit or incurred loss. Mastering these calculations is an essential skill for anyone involved in buying and selling goods or services.

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