
What is the Distance Between the Earth and the Sun in Km?

By BYJU'S Exam Prep

Updated on: September 25th, 2023

The distance between the Earth and the Sun is 150 million kilometres.

Definition: One astronomical unit is thought to represent the distance that light covers in around 8 and a half minutes. On average, there are 92,935,700 kilometres between the Sun and Earth.

Throughout the year, there is a progressive change in the apparent distance between Earth and the Sun. The sun appears to be currently located 149,203,714 kilometres, or 0.997365 astronomical units, away from Earth.

The four layers of the earth are –

Inner core

The Earth’s core is where its hottest layer is located. Iron and nickel are the main components of the solid inner core, which reaches temperatures of 5,500 oC. The inner core is more like the Earth’s engine room because of its enormous heat energy.

Outer core

With a temperature range between 4000 oF and 90000 oF, the outer core of the Earth is comparable to a very hot metal ball. The metals inside are all liquid due to the extreme heat. The outer core is around 1400 miles thick and is located about 1800 miles below the crust. It is made of metals like nickel and iron. The inner core is encircled by the outer core.

The pressures and temperatures inside the inner core are so intense that metals cannot move like liquids and are instead forced to vibrate.


The largest portion of the Earth is its mantle. It measures over 2,900 kilometres thick. Magma, a type of semi-molten rock, makes up the majority of the mantle. Lower in the mantle, the rock is softer and starts to melt. Up top, the rock is firm.

The Sima is directly beneath the mantle. Rock that is extremely heated and thick makes up the mantle. Under pressure, this layer of rock flows like asphalt. The biggest temperature variations between the mantle’s bottom and top are what create this flow. The mantle’s mobility is what causes the Earth’s plates to jolt. From 1600 oF in the higher half to 4000 oF in the bottom, its temperature changes.


Where we live, the crust is the topmost layer. The thickness ranges from 0 to 60 kilometres. There are two different types of this solid rock layer:

  • Continental crust covers the land and,
  • Oceanic crust covers water

The crust has been examined and understood the most. The mantle has a higher temperature and can flow. If you were to travel to the centre of the Earth, the outer and inner cores would be significantly hotter and under much greater pressure, which could be contained in a marble-sized ball.


What is the Distance Between the Earth and the Sun in Km?

Therefore, 150 million kilometres or such is roughly how far the Earth is from the Sun. The apparent distance between Earth and the Sun gradually changes during the course of the year.

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