
What is an IPv6 address size?

By BYJU'S Exam Prep

Updated on: September 25th, 2023

What is an IPv6 address size?

  1. 32 bits
  2. 128 Bytes
  3. 64 bits
  4. 128 bits

Answer: D. 128 bits

The IPv6 address size is 128 bits.


The size of IPv4 is 32-bits long, while the IPv6 address size is 128 bits. It represents the address in hexadecimal form. It consists of 8 fields that are separated by a colon (:) in between. The IPv6 header is shown below:


An example of an IPv6 address is 2001: 0020:2338:FDE2:0076:0002:0000:EEFC. Here, the 8 hexadecimal fields are separated by a colon in between.

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