
What is a Peneplain?

By BYJU'S Exam Prep

Updated on: November 9th, 2023

Peneplain is a low-relief plateau formed by a stream or water erosion. A peneplain formed by water erosion would eventually reduce the ground to the base or sea level. In the end, there would be very little slope left, which would prevent any erosion. The peneplain is preserved by the process of burial. Peneplains are considered to be formations as a result of etchplanation.

Definition of Peneplain

The long time spans over which some peneplains form, confirm that a variety of climatic influences, marine bruises, and glacial erosion are all processes that can contribute to the formation of peneplains.

  • Peneplains are associated with William Morris Davis’s erosion theory cycle on a regular basis.
  • The oldest identifiable Peneplain in a region is referred to as the primary Peneplain.
  • The Sub-Cambrian Peneplain is an example of a primary peneplain in southern Sweden.
  • Various terms for landforms are either options to classical peneplains, a sub-set of peneplains or partly coincide with them.

Types of Peneplain

The Peneplains are of two types, mentioned below:

  • Planation surfaces (comprising of Pediplain, Inselberg Plain, and Etchplain)
  • Hilly relief, including Etched hilly relief.

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