UKPSC 2022 Preliminary Exam Expected Cut-off

By Abhishek Jain |Updated : April 3rd, 2022

Uttrakhand Public Service Commission (UKPSC) is going to conduct State Services Prelims  Examination 2022 on 03.04.2022. The Preliminary exam of UKPSC 2022 will be conducted in two shifts i.e. General Studies Paper 1 and General Studies Paper 2, the duration of both papers is 2 hours each. The UKPSC Prelims question paper consists of 150 objective-type questions on Paper-1 and 100 questions on Paper-2 each for 200 marks each paper. There is one-fourth negative marking for the wrong responses.

Please read this article carefully and refer to the UKPSC Prelims Expected Cut off 2022 and also Previous Year papers cutoffs State Services Prelims examination.

UKPSC 2022 Expected Cut-off!! The preliminary examination process of the Uttrakhand Public Service Commission State Services Preliminary Examination 2022 (UKPSC) has conducted on 03.04.2022. Now, every aspirant is thinking about the cut-off for the UKPSC Prelims exam 2022. In this Article, the BYJU'S Exam Prep team has prepared a detailed analysis, which will give the aspirants an idea of expected cutoffs for the UKPSC 2022 Prelims exam. Along with the expected cutoffs in this article, you will also find the direct links to download the Questions Paper PDFs, Answer key, and a complete analysis of UKPSC 2022. 

UKPSC Previous Year Cut off

Year of the ExamCut off Marks
2012 181 Marks
2016189.25 Marks

UKPSC Prelims Expected Cut Off 2022

In determining the Cut-Off and Merit list of students the following factors have been playing a significant role, which is as follows:

  1. The total number of Posts/Vacancies
  2. Total number of students who appeared
  3. The difficulty level of the Question General Studies Paper-1
  4. The difficulty level of the Question General Studies Paper-2

After interaction with many appeared aspirants and after analysis of the difficulty of the paper also compared with the previous year's papers and their cutoffs we have come to the following conclusions:

  • The difficulty level of the paper was Easy to Moderate
  • The total number of students who appeared in the examination.

After analyzing the above data, the expected cutoff for the UKPSC 2022 Prelims exam is given below:


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