
Transpiration takes place through the _____?

By BYJU'S Exam Prep

Updated on: September 25th, 2023

(A) Vascular bundles

(B) Cortex

(C) Stomata

(D) Epidermis

Transpiration takes place through the stomata. The epidermis of leaves stems, and other organs contain stomata, a microscopic aperture or pore that aids in gas exchange.

  • Although some stems also have stomata, they are primarily seen in plant leaves.
  • A pair of guard cells, a type of specialized parenchyma, surround the pore and control the size of the stomatal opening.

Transpiration in Plants

  • a component of the vascular plants’ transport system.
  • exists in both xylem and phloem forms.
  • Water transfers from roots to stems and leaves via the xylem.
  • Phloem: The system responsible for moving food generated during photosynthesis from leaves to stems and roots.


  • the outermost part of a plant’s stem or root.
  • within the vascular bundles but beneath the epidermis.


  • Plants’ leaves, flowers, roots, and stems are all covered in a single layer of cells.
  • It stops water evaporation, controls gas exchange, and absorbs water and mineral nutrients.


Transpiration takes place through the _____? (A) Vascular bundles (B) Cortex (C) Stomata (D) Epidermis

The stomata are used for transpiration. The epidermis of stem, leaves, and other organs have stomata that help in gas exchange.

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