
The temperature coefficient of resistance for a wire is 0.00125/0C. At 300K its resistance is 1 ohm. The temperature at which the resistance becomes 2 ohm is – (a) 1154 K (b) 1100 K (c) 1400 K (d) 1127 K

By BYJU'S Exam Prep

Updated on: September 25th, 2023

The temperature at which the resistance becomes 2 ohm is 1127 K. It is given that the Initial resistance is 1Ω at 300K. When the final resistance equals 2Ω, assume temperature as T.

Utilizing the Resistance and Temperature Relationship:

R = R0 (1 + α (T2 – T1)) we get:

Substituting the values we get:

2Ω = 1Ω (1 + 0.00125 (T2 – 27))

In simplification we get the:

T2 – 27 = 1/0.00125

Now consider:

T = 800 + 27 = 8270C

T = 827 + 273 = 1100 K

We know that:

ρ1/ρ2 = (1 + αt1)/ (1 + αt2) = ½

Substituting the values we get:

= (1 + 0.00125 x 27)/ (1 + 0.00125 x t)

In simplification we get the:

t = 8540C

T = 1127 K

How to Convert Kelvin to Celsius Temperature?

The necessary Celsius temperature can be obtained by deducting 273.15 from the Kelvin temperature before converting it to Celsius. The following equation relates the two different temperature scales, the Kelvin scale, and the celsius scale:

K = C + 273.15 (or) C = K – 273.15

where C stands for the temperature’s magnitude in degrees celsius and K for the temperature’s magnitude in Kelvin. It’s vital to remember that after doing the conversion, the symbol used to represent the temperature scale must be modified. For instance, the celsius value is as follows when converting 0 Kelvin to celsius:

C = 0 – 273.15 = -273.15 oC

As a result, the formula can be used to calculate the temperature’s magnitude, and the result can then be represented by the appropriate symbol. The boiling point of water is equal to 100 degrees Celsius and 373.15 degrees Kelvin.


The temperature coefficient of resistance for a wire is 0.00125/0C. At 300K its resistance is 1 ohm. The temperature at which the resistance becomes 2 ohm is – (a) 1154 K (b) 1100 K (c) 1400 K (d) 1127 K

The temperature coefficient of resistance for a wire is 0.00125/0C. At 300K its resistance is 1 ohm. The temperature at which the resistance becomes 2 ohm is 1127 K. Temperature refers to the hotness or coldness of a body.

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