
The Sum of Three Consecutive Multiples of 8 is 888. Find the Multiples.

By BYJU'S Exam Prep

Updated on: September 25th, 2023

To find the multiples of 8 whose sum is 888, we have to form an equation in the following way.

Let us take, first multiple = x, second multiple = x + 8, and third multiple = (x + 8) + 8

Given: first multiple + second multiple + third multiple = 888

Now we will solve the above equation,

first multiple + second multiple + third multiple = 888

x + x + 8 + (x + 8) + 8 = 888

x + x + 8 + x + 16 = 888

x + x + x + 8 + 16 = 888

3x + 24 = 888

3x = 888 – 24

3x = 864

x = 864 ÷ 3

x = 288

Therefore, the first multiple = x = 288,

second multiple = x + 8 = 288 + 8 = 296, and

third multiple = (x + 8) + 8 = 288 + 16 = 304.

Three Consecutive Multiples of 8 whose Sum is 888

 288, 296, and 304 are the three consecutive multiples of 8 whose sum is 888. The easy way to find the consecutive multiples of any number is to form a linear equation. Let us understand what a linear equation is.

An equation is said to be linear if the highest power of the variable is consistently 1. Another name for it is a one-degree equation. A linear equation with one variable has the standard form Ax + B = 0 where B is constant, A is a coefficient, and x is a variable.


The Sum of Three Consecutive Multiples of 8 is 888. Find the Multiples.

The three consecutive multiples of 8 whose sum is 888 are 288, 296, and 304. These multiples can be easily obtained by forming a linear equation such as assume value 1st multiple ‘x’, 2nd multiple ‘x + 8’ and 3rd multiple (x + 8) + 8.

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