
The memory space taken for a signed char type data is?

By BYJU'S Exam Prep

Updated on: September 25th, 2023

The memory space taken for a signed char type data is 1 byte. In C or on a particular computer, a byte is made up of 8 bits. The implementation will determine whether the char type is signed or unsigned. The lowest range that a char type may have is specified by the C standard; however, implementations may set larger ranges.

  • Unsigned Char’s minimum range, according to the C standard, is between 0 and 127, and it can only hold non-negative integers.
  • Given that signed char is a smaller integer type than int, it cannot store as many large and small values. A signed char is always one byte in size. However, an int’s size is typically four bytes. Each compiler stores one character and makes use of one byte of memory. If the char type is signed, it can hold positive, negative, and zero values, and according to the C standard, its minimum range is between -127 and 127.

Types in C

  • Basic types

They fall under the category of arithmetic types and are further divided into b) floating-point types and c) integer types.

  • The type void

No value is present, as indicated by the type specifier void.

  • Derived types

They include (a) Pointer types, (b) Array types, (c) Structure types, (d) Union types (e) Function types.

  • Enumerated types

They are once again arithmetic types, and they are employed throughout the program to construct variables that can only be assigned specific discrete integer values.


The memory space taken for a signed char type data is?

A signed char-type data requires 1 byte of memory. The char type will either be signed or unsigned depending on the implementation. The C standard specifies the smallest range that a char type may have; however, implementations may specify bigger ranges.

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