
The Median Date of the Year 2019 is Written as DD.MM is:

By BYJU'S Exam Prep

Updated on: September 25th, 2023

  1. 30.06
  2. 01.07
  3. 03.07
  4. 02.07

The median date of the year 2019 is written as DD.MM is 02.07. The formula used to calculate the median is (odd terms + 1)/2

Write Median Date of the Year 2019 in DD.MM

The centre value or middle number within a set of data is called as the median. The number that falls in the middle of the range is also the median.

The data jas to be ordered first from lowest to greatest or from greatest to lowestt value to get the median. It is the value that lies between the upper and lower values of a probability distribution, a population, or a sample of data. The median differs for different types of distribution

Odd Number of Observations

The formula to determine the median is as follows if the total number of provided observations is odd:

Median = {(n+1)/2}thterm

where there are n observations.

Even Number of Observations

The median formula is: If the total number of observations is even.

Median = [(n/2)th term + {(n/2)+1}th]/2

where there are n observations.

It can be solved as

Median = (Odd terms + 1)/2

We know that

Total days in 2019 = 365

Substituting the values

Median days = (365 + 1)/2 = 183

So the number of days (1 January to 30 June) = 181 days

Median date = 2 July 2019

Therefore, median date of the year 2019 written as DD.MM is 02.07


The median date of the year 2019 is written as DD.MM is -1. 30.06 2. 01.07 3. 03.07 4. 02.07

The median date in the format DD.MM for the year 2019 is 02.07. The median can be calculated using the formula (odd terms + 1)/2

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