
The entire sequence of communities that successively change in a particular area are called? (a) Ecological succession (b) Sere (c) Community dynamics (d) Pyramid of biomass

By BYJU'S Exam Prep

Updated on: September 25th, 2023

The entire sequence of communities that successively change in a particular area are called Sere. Sere refers to the entire chain of communities that progressively shift in a specific location. Seral phases or seral communities are the names given to the various transitional communities.

Ecological succession

  • Ecological succession refers to the steady and often predictable shift in the species makeup of a particular area.
  • During succession, certain species colonise a region and see an increase in population, whereas other species see a decline or even extinction of their populations.

Types of Ecological succession

Primary Succession:

Primary succession is a type of succession that begins in lifeless regions, such as areas with no soil or regions where the earth cannot support life.

Secondary Succession:

In the event that the original ecosystem is destroyed, secondary succession takes place. Example: A community in the climax is completely destroyed by fire. After the disaster, it becomes recolonized. Secondary ecological succession is what is happening here. Larger plants emerge after the smaller ones. Tall trees shade the ground from the sun and alter the structure of the organisms below the canopy. The climax community finally shows up.

Cyclic Succession:

This is just the cyclical shift in an ecosystem’s structure. Some plants don’t emerge for the remainder of the year; they just go dormant. This makes a big difference.


The entire sequence of communities that successively change in a particular area are called? (a) Ecological succession (b) Sere (c) Community dynamics (d) Pyramid of biomass

Sere is the collective term for all of the groups that progressively shift inside a certain area. There is a shift in the variety of species of organisms, an increase in the total number of species and organisms, and an increase in total biomass in each subsequent seral stage.

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