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REET Level - 2 (SST) Mini Mock Test 2022 : 52

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Question 1

According to Jean Piaget, which of the following questions will be answered only by the children in formal operational stage?

Question 2

According to Lev Vygotsky, when teachers make adjustment in the support extended to the child according to the child's current level of performance, it is referred to as-

Question 3

According to Lawrence Kohlberg the child's moral development in stage 3 - maintaining mutual relation, the 'Golden Rule' refers to the stage where:

Question 4

Errors of learners during the early years ___________.

1). should be corrected then and there

2). should not be corrected at all

3). should be brought to their notice through practice

4). should be corrected through imposition and drills

Question 5

A teacher of class V asks her students to discuss in groups about 'what they like and what they do not like' and then to note down ideas to write in few sentences. Students noted down their ideas, developed an outline and wrote a paragraph. What would you call this approach to writing?

1). Product approach to writing

2). Process approach to writing

3). Developing notes as a strategy to writing

4). Personal writing

Question 6

A teacher collects the instances of learning and performances of learners and makes a note of them to report in the assessment record. What is this assessment process known as?

1). Portfolio assessment

2). Summative assessment

3). Comprehensive assessment

4). Non formal assessment

Question 7

विद्यार्थी प्रथम भाषा सीखते हैं-

1). मैत्रीपूर्ण वातावरण में

2). पढ़ाए जाने वाले वातावरण में

3). औपचारिक वातावरण में

4). प्राकृतिक वातावरण में

Question 8

निम्नलिखित में से कौन सी भाषा अधिगम-शिक्षण में प्रामाणिक सामग्री नहीं है?

1). विद्यालय में पढ़ने वाले बालक पर, बीसवीं शताब्दी के कवि द्वारा लिखी गई कविता।

2). पाठ्य-पुस्तक के लेखक द्वारा विशेष रूप से लिखी गई कविता।

3). समकालीन लेखक द्वारा लिखी गई लघुकथा

4). एक समाचार-पत्र से लिया गया कार्टून (व्यंग्य चित्र)

Question 9

किसी विद्यार्थी द्वारा पढ़ी गई कहानी का अपने शब्दों में पुनर्कथन ___________ के मूल्याँकन में सहायक होता है

1). शुद्धरूपता

2). प्रवाह

3). बोधगम्यता (समझ)

4). स्मृति

Question 10

The term primogeniture means:

Question 11

Which of the following is the chronologically correct order of annexation by East India Company?

Question 12

Match the columns and choose the appropriate option.

Question 13

The grading system used by the Mughals to fix rank, salary and military responsibilities was known as:-

Question 14

Mahatma Gandhi emphasised ' learning of crafts ' in education because :

A) It would make children completely independent

B) It would enable children to support their parents in earning a livelihood

C) It would develop mind and capacity to understand activities

D) It would lead to promotion of dignity and self respect

Question 15

Consider the statements A and B and choose the correct option given below.

Statement A: During the British period the furnaces in most Indian villages fell into disuse

Statement B: One of the reasons was the new forest laws that the colonial government had enacted

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