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KVS PRT Exam 2018: Mini Mock Test -33

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Question 1

Directions: In each of the questions the given sentences are divided into four parts marked as A. B, C. and D. One part has an error in it. Identify the part for answering.
Robinson Crusoe was puzzled(A)/ to seeing a footprint (B)/ on the sand(C)/on the lonely island.(D)

Question 2

Select the appropriate prefix / suffix for the underlined word to fill in the blank.
Mr. Verma .....powered a lawyer to plead his case.

Question 3

किसी वाक्य के अंश को हम निम्नलिखित में से क्या कहेंगे?

Question 4

संज्ञा का वह रूप जिससे क्रिया के आधार का बोध होता है उसे क्या कहते हैं ?

Question 5

Sangai Festival is celebrated every year in which of the following state?

Question 6

Which two stations are covered in the first phase of 8.5 Km long Lucknow metro?

Question 7

From which of the following continent, all three latitudes i.e. equator, tropic of cancer and tropic of Capricorn pass?

Question 8

In the following question, select the related word from the given alternatives.

Arachnophobia : Spiders : : Autophobia : ?

Question 9

Hari can dig a well in 20hrs and Om can do it in 5hrs more than Hari. How much time will Hari & Kishan will take together if Kishan takes same as taken by Hari?

Question 10

Pointing towards a boy, a girl says, "He is the only son of my mother's brother". How is the girl related to the boy?

Question 11

Artificial Intelligence is associated with which generation?

Question 12

Who is also known as father of Jquery?

Question 13

Which among the following statements are appropriate regarding development?

Question 14

Law of conservation of momentum states that

Question 15

The common forces in the mechanics of a simple machine are
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