International Day of Sign Languages

By Sakshi Ojha|Updated : September 23rd, 2021


International Sign Language Day (IDSL) is celebrated on September 23 of each year in conjunction with International Week of Deaf People around the world.
September 23 is the same date that the World Association of the Deaf was founded in 1951.

History and significance:

  • According to the UN, International Sign Language Day was first celebrated in 2018 as part of the International Week of Deaf People. "The September 23 election commemorates the date the WFD was founded in 1951," says its United Nations website.
  • There are more than 70 million deaf people worldwide, 80% of whom are from developing countries, according to the WFD. In total, more than 300 different sign languages ​​are used.
  • The International Sign Language Day aims to raise awareness about the importance of sign languages. The resolution that established the day recognizes the importance of preserving sign languages ​​as part of linguistic and cultural diversity.


  • 2021We Sign For Human Rights!
  • 2019Sign Language Rights for All! 
  • 2018With Sign Language, Everyone is Included!


“Human eyes are the sign language of the brain. If you watch them carefully, you can see the truth played out, raw and unguarded”: Tarryn Fisher

“I come from a place where you don’t need to talk all the time. There are sign languages you learn”: Warwick Thornton

“Sign language is the equal of speech, lending itself equally to the rigorous and the poetic, to philosophical analysis or to making love”: Oliver Sacks

“Systems of morals are only a sign-language of the emotions”: Friedrich Nietzsche

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