
In the grass family cotyledon are called: A) Scutellum B) Epicotyl C) Hypocotyl D) Tigellum

By BYJU'S Exam Prep

Updated on: September 13th, 2023

In the grass family, the cotyledon is called the scutellum. The cotyledons operate as food storage in plant seeds. Cotyledons are frequently meaty and loaded with reservable dietary components. The cotyledons, embryonic leaves, are represented by the word “cot.” Monocotyledons and Dicotyledons are two distinct cotyledon kinds. Monocotyledons are angiosperms, or blooming plants, with only one embryonic leaf or Cotyledon present in the seed. Examples include grass, wheat, onions, and ginger. Dicotyledons, also known as cotyledons, are angiosperms, or blooming plants, whose seeds have two cotyledons or embryonic leaves. For example, all legumes, such as beans, lentils, peas, and peanuts.

In the Grass Family, Cotyledons are called?

Monocots only have one cotyledon in their embryos. The cotyledon is shield-shaped and located on one side of the embryonal axis in the grass family (monocot family). Angiosperms, or blooming plants, with only one embryonic leaf or Cotyledon present in the seed are known as monocotyledons. Grass, wheat, onions, and ginger are a few examples. Dicotyledons, also known as cotyledons, are blooming plants, or angiosperms, with two cotyledons, or embryonic leaves, in their seeds. All varieties of legumes include beans, lentils, peas, and peanuts.

Additional Information on Grass Family:

It is important to check the important details of the grass family to have good knowledge of the topic.

  • In the grass family, the cotyledon is referred to as the scutellum. Monocotyledonous grass embryos are present.
  • The scutellum is situated on one side, lateral to the embryonal axis.
  • At the lower end of the embryonal axis, the radical and root cap are enclosed in a coleorhiza, an undifferentiated sheath.
  • The portion of the embryonal axis above the scutellum attachment point is known as the epicotyl.
  • The coleoptile, a hollow foliar structure, contains a few leaf primordia and the tip of an epicotyl stem.
  • The radicle or root tip is where the hypocotyl, a cylindrical portion below the level of the cotyledons, stops.
  • The portion of the embryonal axis above the scutellum attachment point is known as the epicotyl.
  • The flagellum is the portion of the seed that is viable.

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