
Find the volume of a pyramid whose square base is 10 cm and height 8 cm

By BYJU'S Exam Prep

Updated on: September 25th, 2023

In order to find the volume of a pyramid whose square base is 10 cm and height 8 cm, you must know the formula for the volume of a pyramid. A pyramid is a three-dimensional shape that is characterized by a polygonal base and triangular faces that meet on a point at the top known as the apex. Determining the volume of a pyramid involves knowing the measurements of its base and height. This calculation is essential to understand the amount of space occupied by the pyramid.

Steps to Calculate the Volume of Pyramid

The volume of a pyramid is given by the formula = (1/3) x base area x height

Since the base is a square with side length 10 cm, we need to find out its area using the formula = side x side

So, area of square base is 10 x 10 = 100 cm²

Substituting the given values, we get:

Volume = (1/3) x base area x height

= (1/3) x 100 cm² x 8 cm

= 800/3 cm³

= 266.67 cm³

Therefore, the total volume of a pyramid is 266.67 cm³.


Find the volume of a pyramid whose square base is 10 cm and height 8 cm

The volume of a pyramid whose square base is 10 cm and height 8 cm is 266.67 cm³. The volume of a pyramid is the measure of the amount of space inside the pyramid. It represents the three-dimensional space occupied by the pyramid and is usually measured in cubic units such as cubic centimeters, cubic meters, etc.

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