
Describe the Process of Photosynthesis

By BYJU'S Exam Prep

Updated on: September 25th, 2023

Photosynthesis is a process where the chlorophyll traps the solar energy to convert water and carbon dioxide to produce food in glucose form.


  1. Chlorophyll absorbs solar energy during the process of photosynthesis, which transforms water and carbon dioxide into food in the form of glucose.
  2. It is created in plants with chloroplasts that include chlorophyll because it starts the process by capturing solar energy.
  3. While the carbon dioxide enters through the stomata, the water comes from the root.
  4. Carbohydrate is the final product, and it can either be consumed as food or stored in the body’s cells.

Algae also use photosynthesis to transform solar energy into chemical energy. As a byproduct, oxygen is released, and light is thought to be a crucial component in bringing about photosynthesis. When plants employ light energy to transform carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen, this process is known as photosynthesis. Chloroplasts, tiny cellular organelles, are found in leaves.

  • Chlorophyll, a pigment with a green hue, is found inside each chloroplast. Chlorophyll molecules absorb light energy, whilst carbon dioxide and oxygen enter through the stomata found in the epidermis of leaves.
  • Glucose and fructose are two additional sugars produced as a byproduct of photosynthesis.
  • The roots, stems, leaves, fruits, flowers, and seeds are subsequently given these sugars. In other words, the plants use these sugars as a source of energy, which aids in their ability to grow. Once combined, these sugar molecules produce more complex carbohydrates like cellulose and starch. Cellulose is thought to be the structural component of plant cell walls.
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