Day-24: 300+ Most Repeated Questions For UGC NET Exam Paper-1

By Mohit Choudhary|Updated : September 21st, 2022

Most Repeated Questions For UGC NET Exam: UGC NET Exam is very near now. This time it is a great opportunity to clear the exam. You may never get an opportunity like this shortly. So work hard like this is your last attempt. Leave every other and just focus on UGC NET Exam.

We are launching this series in which we will provide daily 10 most repetitive questions of UGC NET Exam Paper 1; like this, we will provide more than 300 most repetitive questions of UGC NET Paper-1. 

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Most Repetitive Questions of UGC NET Paper 1:

Q 1. Negative criticism as an element of classroom communication will lead to:

(a) External sympathy

(b) Justification

(c) Defensiveness

(d) De-motivation

(e) Supportive listening

(f) Confrontational empathy

1. (b), (c) and (d)

2. (d), (e) and (f)

3. (a), (b) and (c)

4. (c), (d) and (e)

Answer: (1)


Q 2. The rhetorical approach in classroom communication considers teachers as _____ agents of students.

1. Influencing

2. Non-Official

3. Academic

4. Official

Answer: (1)


Q 3. Assertion (A): Teacher communication is central to classroom management.

Reason (R): Teacher communication behaviors should not be used to regulate the classroom Behavior of students.

1. (A) is false, but (R) is true.

2. Both (A) and (R) are true.

3. Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

4. (A) is true, but (R) is false

Answer: (4)


Q 4. Among the following, there are two statements which can’t be true together, but can be false together. Select the code that represents them.


(a) All poets are dreamers.

(b) No poets are dreamers.

(c) Some poets are dreamers.

(d) Some poets are not dreamers.

1. (a) and (b)

2. (b) and (d)

3. (a) and (d)

4. (c) and (d)

Answer: (1)


Q 5. Non-verbal communication is considered:

1. Formal

2. Culture-free

3. Informal

4. Precise

Answer: (3)


Q 6. Given below are two premises (a) and (b). Four conclusions are drawn from them. Select the code that states validly drawn conclusion(s). [Taking the premises individually or jointly]


(a) All judges are lawyers.

(b) No doctors are lawyers.


(1) No lawyers are doctors.

(2) No doctor are judges.

(3) All lawyers are judges.

(4) Some doctor are judges.

1. (1) and (3)

2. (1) and (2)

3. (1) and (4)

4. (2) and (3)

Answer: (2)


Q 7. If ABODE is coded as ADRHJ, then the code for AGRO will be:





Answer: (2)


Q 8. Choose the word which is different from the rest:

1. Mount Kilimanjaro

2. Shivalik Hills

3. Aravali Hills

4. Nilgiri Hills

Answer: (1)


Q 9. Which one of the following can be validly inferred from the proposition – “all animals are wild”?

1. No non-animals are wild.

2. Some animals are not wild.

3. No animals are wild.

4. Some animals are wild.

Answer: (4)


Q 10. The next term in the letter series DEF, HIJ, LMN, PQR, TUV, ______ is

1. XYZ

2. WYZ

3. WXY

4. YZA

Answer: (1)


Some Basic Tips For Last Minute Preparation:

  • Allocate proper time to each unit as per the importance and pattern in the previous examinations.
  • Cover the strong areas first.
  • Do not spend too much time on a single question; you can return to such questions once you have finished the test.
  • Keep attempting online mock tests and previous year papers to improve your speed and accuracy.
  • Avoid Over Stressing, Stay Calm and give your best shot.                                                                                                           

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