Day-20: 300+ Most Repeated Questions For UGC NET Exam Paper-1

By Mohit Choudhary|Updated : September 17th, 2022

Most Repeated Questions For UGC NET Exam: UGC NET Exam is very near now. This time it is a great opportunity to clear the exam. You may never get an opportunity like this shortly. So work hard like this is your last attempt. Leave every other and just focus on UGC NET Exam.

We are launching this series in which we will provide daily 10 most repetitive questions of UGC NET Exam Paper 1; like this, we will provide more than 300 most repetitive questions of UGC NET Paper-1. 

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Most Repetitive Questions of UGC NET Paper 1:

Q 1. Which of the following statements represent the main functions of UGC?

(i) Recognition of institutions

(ii) Maintenance of quality and standards

(iii) Appointment of Vice-Chancellor

(iv) Giving grants to institutions

(v) Making state governments responsible for educational development

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

(1) (i), (ii) and (iii)

(2) (i), (iii) and (iv)

(3) (i), (ii) and (iv)

(4) (ii), (iii) and (v)

Answer: (3)


Q 2. The main aim of the faculty recharge scheme of UGC was to

(1) Address the shortage of faculty in a higher education institutions

(2) Upgrade the teaching skills of the faculty

(3) Upgrade the research infrastructure for the faculty in colleges and universities

(4) Strengthen the academia-industry linkage

Answer: (1)


Q 3. Which of the following is an online storehouse of all academic awards like certificates, diplomas, degrees, mark sheets, etc ?


(2) National Digital Library

(3) National Academic Library

(4) National Academic Depository

Answer: (4)


Q 4. The convenient place to store contact information for quick retrieval in e-mail is

(1) Address box

(2) Message box

(3) Address book

(4) Message book

Answer: (3)


Q 5. Montreal protocol aims at

(1) Reduction in emissions of greenhouse gases

(2) Phasing out ozone-depleting substances

(3) Prohibiting transboundary movement of hazardous waste

(4) Enhancing cooperation among UN member states for peaceful uses of nuclear energy

 Answer: (2)


Q 6. SMTP is an acronym for

(1) Simple Mail Transport Protocol

(2) Simple Mail Terminal Protocol

(3) Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

(4) Simple Mail Transition Protocol

Answer: (3)


Q 7. In large parts of Eastern India, the groundwater is contaminated by

(1) Arsenic

(2) Lead

(3) Mercury

(4) Nickel

Answer: (1)


Q 8. Taj Mahal is mainly threatened by the deleterious effects of

(1) Sulphur dioxide

(2) Chlorine

(3) Oxygen

(4) Hydrogen

Answer: (1)


Q 9. Two statements are given

Statement I: Earthquake ‘A’ is 5 on the Richter scale and Earthquake ‘B’ is 8 on the same scale. Earthquake ‘B’ has 1000 times the wave amplitude compared to ‘A’.

Statement II: The energy released in ‘B’ is three times that of ‘A’

Choose the correct option:

(1) Statement I is correct and Statement II is incorrect

(2) Statement I and II are correct

(3) Statement II is correct and I is incorrect

(4) Statement I and II are incorrect

Answer: (1)


Q 10. A computer has a main memory of 960 Kilo Bytes. What is the exact number of bytes contained in this memory?

(1) 960 x 8

(2) 960 x 1000

(3) 960 x 1024

(4) 960 x 1024 x 1024

Answer: (3)


Some Basic Tips For Last Minute Preparation:

  • Allocate proper time to each unit as per the importance and pattern in the previous examinations.
  • Cover the strong areas first.
  • Do not spend too much time on a single question; you can return to such questions once you have finished the test.
  • Keep attempting online mock tests and previous year papers to improve your speed and accuracy.
  • Avoid Over Stressing, Stay Calm and give your best shot.                                                                                                           

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