Day-18: 300+ Most Repeated Questions For UGC NET Exam Paper-1

By Mohit Choudhary|Updated : September 14th, 2022

Most Repeated Questions For UGC NET Exam: UGC NET Exam is very near now. This time it is a great opportunity to clear the exam. You may never get an opportunity like this shortly. So work hard like this is your last attempt. Leave every other and just focus on UGC NET Exam.

We are launching this series in which we will provide daily 10 most repetitive questions of UGC NET Exam Paper 1; like this, we will provide more than 300 most repetitive questions of UGC NET Paper-1.   

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Most Repetitive Questions of UGC NET Paper 1:

Reading Comprehension:

Geography seeks to understand the physical and human organization of the surface of the Earth. In the field of geography, inter-related themes are frequently seen. These are scale, pattern and process. Scale is defined as the level of structure on organisation at which a phenomenon is studied. Pattern is defined as the variation observed in a phenomenon studied at a particular scale. The third theme, process, further connects the first two. Process is defined as the description of how the factors that aect a phenomenon act to product a pattern at a particular scale. For instance, when a passenger on an aircraft looks out of the window, the View changes according to the scale. At the global scale when the aircraft maintains its height, he can see the chunks of clouds in all their pattern, the sun or the moon, as per the time. When the aircraft loses a little height, passengers can see the land and water masses in their dierent colours and the shape of land masses. At the continental scale, the passengers can see the shapes of the land features and how they are distributed. The pattern emerges as the variation of land and water and the proportion of each. Looking carefully, passengers can note how each land mass aligns with the others and how each mountain bears the signs of the process through which it emerged.

The processes in a geography change in a regular and repetitive manner. One instance of this is the annual solar cycle of the sun and the earth. Most systems in nature display time cycles that are organised in a rhythm of their own as these time cycles and natural processes are always active, the environment of the earth is always in a state of dynamism. This environmental change is not only the result of natural process but also the result of human activity. Physical geography works towards understanding the interaction between man and nature and also the results of this interaction in order to manage global climate change better.


Q 1. The time cycles of the system of nature follow their own

(1) Path

(2) Rhythm

(3) Process

(4) Cycle

Answer: (2)


Q 2. The view is seen by a passenger looking out of the window of an aircraft; will be affected by the

(1) Process

(2) Pattern

(3) Scale

(4) Rhythm

Answer: (3)


Q 3. Physical geography studies the results of the interaction between man and nature in order to

(1) Understand global climate change

(2) Study the impact of man’s activities on nature

(3) Address the issue of global climate change

(4) Reduce man—animal conflict

Answer: (3)


Q 4. In geography, pattern studies the variation observed in a phenomenon at

(1) A particular scale

(2) Any scale

(3) Every scale

(4) Most scales

Answer: (1)


Q 5. The alignment of landmass with other elements can be seen by a passenger on a flight on a

(1) Global scale

(2) Continental-scale

(3) Local-scale

(4) Time scale

Answer: (2)


Q 6 Match Set ‘A’ with Set ‘B’.

A (Media)

B (Transmission/Communication)

(a) Audio

(i) Bandwidth

(b) Advertising

(ii) Linear communication

(c) Internet

(iii) Non personal Communication

(d) Newspaper

(iv) Frequency modulation


Choose the correct answer from the options given below:


























Answer: (3)


Q 7. When the subject and predicate of both the premises are the same but they differ in quality only, it is known as

(1) Contradictories

(2) Contraries

(3) Subaltern

(4) Super altern

Answer: (2)


Q 8. Which of the following fractions is the result of the sum of an integer and its reciprocal?

1. 15/8

2. 26/5

3. 36/7

4. 37/5

Answer: (2)


Q 9. Mass media do not have pre-determined functions for everyone and people use them the way they like. This is suggestive of the fact that,

(1) Audiences are active

(2) Content is of little significance

(3) Content lacks plurality

(4) Audiences are homogeneous

Answer: (1)


Q 10. If proposition ‘All republics are grateful’ is taken to be true then which of the following propositions can be false?

(i) Republics are not grateful

(ii) Some republics are not grateful

(iii) No republics are grateful

(iv) Some republics are grateful

Select the correct answer from the options given below:

(1) (i) only

(2) (ii) only

(3) (i). (ii) and (iii)

(4) (ii) and (iii)

Answer: (3)


Some Basic Tips For Last Minute Preparation:

  • Allocate proper time to each unit as per the importance and pattern in the previous examinations.
  • Cover the strong areas first.
  • Do not spend too much time on a single question; you can return to such questions once you have finished the test.
  • Keep attempting online mock tests and previous year papers to improve your speed and accuracy.
  • Avoid Over Stressing, Stay Calm and give your best shot.                                                                                                           

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