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CTET -2 (Social Science) Mini Mock Test 2022 : 07

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Question 1

Which among is the best way to promote creativity in children –

Question 2

Which among the below is not a feature of the process of learning ?

Question 3

Direction: Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow. Certain words are printed in bold to help you locate them while answering some of these.
The growth of bitcoin is fuelling speculation and debate about the environmental impact of the energy needed to power the virtual currency in the era of climate change. Bitcoin is the most popular virtual currency in the world, and it has fluctuated significantly in value over the past year. It was created in 2009 as a new way of paying for things that would not be subject to central banks that are capable of devaluing a currency. The sustainability concerns about bitcoin, voiced by economists and environmentalists, stem from the process of "mining'' that is central to its existence. The "miners" use computers to make complex calculations that verify transactions in bitcoins. This uses a tremendous amount of energy via computers and server farms all over the world, which has given rise to concerns about the amount of fossil fuel-dependent electricity used to power the computers. Some estimates say bitcoin's energy impact is more than that of a small country.
Bitcoin is a kind of digital money that isn't tied to a bank or a government, and its value rose swiftly in the second half of 2017 before falling early this year. It's volatile. The value of one bitcoin was about $16,500 in late December 2017, compared with about $1,000 in March 2017, and then it dipped to about $7,700 in the first week of February this year. A bitcoin itself is essentially a line of computer code. It's signed digitally when it goes from one owner to another. Bitcoin can't exist without computers, which can't exist without a source of electricity. And the number of computers and the energy needed to power them is rising.

The growing value of bitcoin is directly tied to the amount of energy it uses. The miners unlock bitcoins by solving complex, unique puzzles. As the value of bitcoin goes up, the puzzles become increasingly more difficult, and it requires more computer power to solve them. Some estimates say more than 60 percent of the processing power used to mine bitcoin is in China, where it relies heavily on the burning of coal. The Chinese government revealed plans in January to shut down bitcoin mining, partly because of concerns about energy consumption.
Coal and other fossil fuels are also the largest generator of electricity for the rest of the world, and coal is a significant contributor to manmade climate change. Burning it produces carbon dioxide, a gas that is a primary contributor to global warming. This reliance on fossil fuels has given rise to speculation that bitcoin's energy consumption will continue to rise as it grows in popularity.

Source- The Economic Times
What is the tone and the style with which the author has written the passage?

Question 4

Direction: Read the poem given below and answer the questions that follow by choosing the most appropriate option.

She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that’s best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes:
Thus mellow’d to that tender light
Which heaven to gaudy day denies.
One shade the more, one ray the less,
Had half impair’d the nameless grace
Which waves in every raven trees
Or softly lightens o’er her face;
Where thoughts serenely sweet express
How pure, how dear, their dwelling place.
And on that cheek, and o’er that brow
So soft, so calm, yet eloquent.
The smiles that win, the tints that glow
But tell of days in goodness spent
A mind at peace with all below,
A heart whose love is innocent.
The rhyme scheme of the poem is-

Question 5

Direction: Answer the following question by selecting the most appropriate option.
What is the characteristic of essay type examinations?

Question 6

निर्देश:गद्यांश को पढ़कर निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों  के सबसे उचित उत्तर  विकल्प से चुनिए ।

प्रकृति और व्यक्ति के संबंधों में विकार आ रहा है। व्यक्ति प्रकृति से दूर हो गया है। जनसंख्या-विस्फ्फोट से तथा प्रदूषण के कुप्रभाव से प्रकृति की शोभा पर संकट के बादल मंडराने लगे हैं। ऐसी विपरीत स्थिति में भी प्रकृति का सौंदर्य वसंत के आगमन पर खिल उठता है। विस्मय होता है कि आजकल लोगों को वसंत के आगमन का भी आभास नहीं होता। पुष्प वाटिकाओं में रंग-बिरंगे फूलों की चटख और महक से वासंती पवन झूम उठता है। पुष्प पंखुड़ियों पर तितलियों के नृत्य मन मोह लेते हैं। भ्रमरों का मधुर गुंजन आनंद की वृष्टि करता है। ऋतुराज के स्वागत में आम की डाल पर कोकिला भी मधुर तानें छेड़ती है। मोरनियों के झुंड से घिरा मोर मस्ती में नाचता है। प्रकृति की यह छटा लोगों को नसीब नहीं होती क्योंकि उनके मन में प्रकृति-प्रेम शेष नहीं रहा। व्यक्ति प्रकृति-प्रेम के अभाव में मानसिक दबावों में जी रहा है। अतः वसंत के आगमन पर प्रत्येक व्यक्ति के मन में उसका स्वागत करने की भावना जागनी चाहिए।

प्रकृति की कौन-सी छटा लोगों को नसीब नहीं होती ?

Question 7

Which is a function word?

Question 8

निर्देश: गद्यांश को पढ़कर निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों में सबसे उचित विकल्प को चुनिए ।
मन की दृढ़ इच्छा-शक्ति को किसी एक काम में केन्द्रित कर देने को एकाग्रता कहते हैं। एकाग्रता पैदा होने पर संसार में ऐसा कोई काम नहीं रह जाता जो पूरा न किया जा सके। यदि जीवन में बुद्विमानी की कोई साधना है तो वह एकाग्रता है, और यदि कोई ख़राब बात है तो वह है अपनी शक्तियों को बिखेर देना। सफल और असफल मनुष्यों में क्या अंतर होता है ? सफल व्यक्ति अपना कार्य एकाग्रता से करता है, पूरी इच्छा-शक्ति से करता है जबकि असफल व्यक्ति बोझ ढोता है, बहुचित्तता से कार्य करता है, परिस्थितियों को पकड़े रहता है, अवसर से लाभ उठाना नहीं जानता। उसमें वह योग्यता नहीं होती जिससे असफलता को सफलता में बदला जाता है। किसी विचारक ने कहा है कि दुर्बल से दुर्बल प्राणी भी अपनी शक्तियों को एक वस्तु पर केंद्रित करके कुछ-न-कुछ कर सकता है। इसके विपरीत शक्तिशाली भी उन शक्तियों को बहुत-सी बातों में बिखेरकर हर एक काम में असफल हो सकता है। लगातार गिरने वाली बूँदों से कठोर-से-कठोर चट्टान में भी छेद हो जाता है, पर तेजी से बहने वाले पानी का प्रवाह भयंकर आवाज़ करता हुआ निकल जाता है, उसका कोई चिह्न भी पीछे नहीं रह जाता।
असफल व्यक्ति अपना कार्य कैसे करता है?

Question 9

निर्देश: अधोलिखितं गद्यांशं पठित्वा प्रश्नानां विकल्पात्मकोत्तरेभ्यः उचिततमम् उत्तरं चित्वा लिखत।

अस्ति हिमवान् नाम सर्वरत्नभूमिर्नगेन्द्रः। तस्य सानोरुपरि विभाति काञ्चनपुरं नाम नगरम्। तत्र जीमूतकेतुरिति श्रीमान् विद्याधरपतिः वसति स्म। तस्य गृहोद्याने कुलक्रमागतः कल्पतरुः स्थितः। स राजा जीमूतकेतुः तं कल्पतरुम् आराध्य तत्प्रसादात् च बोधिसत्त्वांशसम्भवं जीमूतवाहनं नाम पुत्रं प्राप्नोत्। स महान् दानवीरः सर्वभूतानुकम्पी च अभवत्। तस्य गुणैः प्रसन्नः स्वसचिवैश्च प्रेरितः राजा कालेन सम्प्राप्तयौवनं तं यौवराज्येऽभिषिक्तवान्। यौवराज्ये स्थितः सः जीमूतवाहनः कदाचित् हितैषिभिः पितृमन्त्रिभिः उक्तः – “युवराज ! योऽयं सर्वकामदः कल्पतरुः तवोद्याने तिष्ठति स एव सदा पूज्यः।अस्मिन् अनुकूले स्थिते शक्रोऽपि नास्मान् बाधितुं शक्नुयात्'इति।

आकर्ण्यैतत् जीमूतवाहनः अन्तरचिन्तयत्- "अहो बत ! ईदृशममरपादपं प्राप्यापि पूर्वैः पुरुषैरस्माकं तादृशं फलं किमपि नासादितं किन्तु केवलं कैश्चिदेव कृपणैः कश्चिदपि अर्थोऽर्थितः। तदहमस्मात् मनोरथमभीष्टं साधयामि'' इति।

एवमालोच्य स पितुरन्तिकमागच्छत्। आगत्य च सुखमासीनं पितरमेकान्ते न्यवेदयत्— 'तात ! त्वं तु जानासि एव यदस्मिन् संसारसागरे आशरीरमिदं सर्वं धनं वीचिवच्चञ्चलम् । एकः परोपकार एवाऽस्मिन् संसारेऽनश्वरः यो युगान्तपर्यन्तं यशः प्रसूते। तदस्माभिरीदृशः कल्पतरुः किमर्थं रक्ष्यते? यैश्च पूर्वैरयं 'मम मम' इति आग्रहेण रक्षितः, ते इदानीं कुत्र गताः? तेषां कस्यायम्? अस्य वा के ते? तस्मात् परोपकारैकफलसिद्धये त्वदाज्ञया इमं कल्पपादपम् आराधयामि। 

'सर्वकामदः' इति समस्तपदस्य विग्रहो भवति—

Question 10

निर्देश: अधोलिखितं गद्यांशं पठित्वा प्रश्नानाम् उचितम् उत्तरं लिखत -

उत्सवे , व्यसने , दुर्भिक्षे , राष्ट्रविप्लवे ,दैनन्दिनव्यवहारे यः सहायतां करोति सः बन्धुः भवति यदि विश्वे सर्वत्र एतादृशः
भावः भवेत् तदा विश्वबन्धुत्वं सम्भवति, परन्तु अधुना निखिले संसारे कलहस्य अशान्तेः च वातावरणम् अस्ति मानवाः परस्परं विश्वसन्ति। ते परस्य कष्टं स्वकीयं कष्टं गणयन्ति  अपि च समर्था: देशाः असमर्थान् देशान् प्रति उपेक्षाभावं प्रदर्शयन्ति, तेषाम् उपरि स्वकीयं प्रभुत्वं स्थापयन्ति ।संसारे सर्वत्र विद्वेषस्यशत्रुताया:, हिंसाया: देश भावना दृश्यते देशानां विकासः अपि अवरूद्ध: भवति
इयं महती आवश्यकता वर्तते यत् एक: देशः अपूर्ण देशेन सह निर्मलेन हृदयेन बन्धुतायाः व्यवहारं कुर्यात् विश्वस्य जनेषु इयं भावना आवश्यकी। ततः विकसिताविकसितदेशयो: मध्ये स्वस्था स्पर्धा भविष्यति ।सर्वे देशाः ज्ञानविज्ञानयोः क्षेत्रे मैत्रीभावनया सहयोगेन समृध्दिं प्राप्तुं समर्थाः भविष्यन्ति

' कुर्यात् ' इति पदं कस्मिन् लकारे प्रयुक्तम् ?

Question 11

Consider the following statements.

1) The annexation of Jhansi state by the application of the subsidiary alliance by lord Dalhousie was the major reason for Rani of Jhansi to revolt against the British during the 1857 revolt.

2) Both Bombay and Madras are totally loyal to the British during the 1857 revolt.

Question 12

Assertion:- Lignite is an inferior variety of coal containing 30 to 40 percent of carbon.

Reason :- Lignite coal is mainly produced in Tamilnadu.


Question 13

Which article was added to the 42nd Amendment Act of 1976 to protect and improve the environment and to safeguard forest and wildlife in India?

Question 14

Which of the following is not a feature of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation?

Question 15

For which of the following time line would be best suited for?
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