
Balance the following chemical equation- HNO3 + Ca(OH)2 → Ca(NO3)2 + H2O

By BYJU'S Exam Prep

Updated on: September 25th, 2023

Balance the following chemical equation- HNO3 + Ca(OH)2 → Ca(NO3)2 + H2O

To balance a chemical equation, you need to ensure that the number of atoms of each element is the same on both sides of the equation. Balancing an equation involves adjusting the coefficients (numbers placed in front of the chemical formulas) to achieve this balance. 

The balanced chemical equation is as follows –

2HNO3(aq)+ Ca(OH)2 (aq)→ Ca(NO3)2 (aq)+ H2O(1)

How To Balance A Chemical Equation?

To balance a chemical equation, you need to count the number of each type of atom in the reactants and products. Ensure that the same number of each atom appears on both sides of the arrow. Coefficients are placed in front of the formulas to adjust the atom counts without changing subscripts. Use the smallest coefficients possible to maintain proportions. Repeat the process until the equation is fully balanced.

Start by adjusting the coefficients of compounds containing unbalanced elements, focusing on those with the fewest appearances. This ensures equal atom counts. Recheck the counts after adjusting coefficients. If the equation is still unbalanced, repeat the process. The goal is to have an equal number of each atom on both sides of the equation. It’s crucial not to change the subscripts, as they alter the identities of the substances. By following these steps, you can balance a chemical equation while preserving the specification of the chemical formulas.


To balance the chemical equation HNO3 + Ca(OH)2 → Ca(NO3)2 + H2O we need to follow the step-by-step process:

Step 1: Start by counting the number of atoms for each element on both sides of the equation:

  • Hydrogen (H): 2 on the left, 4 in H2O on the right.
  • Nitrogen (N): 1 on the left, 2 in Ca(NO3)2 on the right.
  • Oxygen (O): 6 in HNO3 and 2 in Ca(OH)2 on the left, and 6 in Ca(NO3)2 and 1 in H2O on the right.
  • Calcium (Ca): 1 in Ca(OH)2 on the left, and 1 in Ca(NO3)2 on the right.

Step 2: Balance the elements one by one, starting with the most complex or the one that appears in the fewest compounds. In this case, let’s begin with nitrogen (N).

Step 3: To balance the nitrogen atoms, place a coefficient of 2 in front of Ca(NO3)2 on the right side:

HNO3 + Ca(OH)2 → 2Ca(NO3)2 + H2O

Step 4: Re-count the atoms:

  • Hydrogen (H): 2 on the left, 4 in H2O on the right.
  • Nitrogen (N): 2 on the left, 4 in Ca(NO3)2 on the right.
  • Oxygen (O): 6 in HNO3 and 2 in Ca(OH)2 on the left, and 12 in Ca(NO3)2 and 1 in H2O on the right.
  • Calcium (Ca): 1 in Ca(OH)2 on the left, and 2 in Ca(NO3)2 on the right.

Step 5: Now, to balance the hydrogen atoms, place a coefficient of 2 in front of HNO3 on the left side:

2HNO3 + Ca(OH)2 → 2Ca(NO3)2 + H2O

Step 6: Re-count the atoms again:

  • Hydrogen (H): 4 on the left, 4 in H2O on the right.
  • Nitrogen (N): 2 on the left, 4 in Ca(NO3)2 on the right.
  • Oxygen (O): 6 in HNO3 and 2 in Ca(OH)2 on the left, and 12 in Ca(NO3)2 and 1 in H2O on the right.
  • Calcium (Ca): 1 in Ca(OH)2 on the left, and 2 in Ca(NO3)2 on the right.

The equation is now balanced with an equal number of each type of atom on both sides:

2HNO3(aq)+ Ca(OH)2 (aq)→ Ca(NO3)2 (aq)+ H2O(1)


Balance the following chemical equation-HNO3 + Ca(OH)2 → Ca(NO3)2 + H2O

The balanced chemical equation is 2HNO3(aq)+ Ca(OH)2 (aq)→ Ca(NO3)2 (aq)+ H2O(1) . In the chemical reaction between nitric acid and calcium hydroxide, calcium nitrate and oxidane(water) are produced.

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