
Arithmetic Questions and Answers for SSC Exams, Download PDF

By BYJU'S Exam Prep

Updated on: September 25th, 2023

Arithmetic Questions involves a variety of numerical problems and the simplification of mathematical statements. Practicing arithmetic questions with answers can help improve your problem-solving skills and speed when working with numerical simplification problems. Basic arithmetic questions include simple addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division problems.

Arithmetic reasoning questions are common in many competitive exams, including the UPSC, Bank, and SSC exams. It can cover a wide range of topics, including percentages, ratios, fractions, and more. To excel in arithmetic reasoning, you need to have a strong foundation in basic arithmetic and an understanding of logical reasoning principles. In this article, we will explore arithmetic reasoning questions in detail and provide tips to help you prepare for them.

Arithmetic Questions for SSC

SSC Arithmetic is the component of math that deals with numbers, which includes operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. These operations are known as arithmetic operations. In addition, we employ the BODMAS rule to answer arithmetic problems correctly.

SSC Arithmetic questions are quite crucial in competitive exams. It addresses mathematical problems such as ratio and proportion, age, number series, percentage, power, time and distance, and so on. We present the most relevant examples of Arithmetic questions for SSC with solutions in this post to assist you understand the process for solving SSC Arithmetic questions with answers.

Arithmetic Syllabus for SSC

Arithmetic syllabus for SSC is vast and encompasses various topics. To provide you with a deeper understanding of the syllabus, we have tabulated all the important components of the syllabus. This will help you understand the various topics and subtopics that you need to cover for the exam.

Having a good understanding of the SSC Arithmetic syllabus is crucial for your preparation as it will help you create a study plan and focus on the areas where you need to improve.

Arithmetic Syllabus
Ratio and Proportion LCM & HCF
Percentage Questions Boat and Stream Question
Speed, time, and distance Partnership
CI & SI Pipes & Cistern
Problem on Ages Time & Work
Average Mixture & Allegation
Profit loss & Discount Miscellaneous

Arithmetic Questions and Answers

Arithmetic questions and answers are provided below for candidates’ reference. These questions are based on the previous year papers to provide you with a basic idea about the types of SSC Arithmetic questions that were asked in the SSC examination such as SSC CGL.

1. A person having bought goods for Rs.400 sells half of it at a gain of 5%. At what gain percentage must he sell the remainder, so as to gain 25% on the whole?

A. 25%

B. 30%

C. 20%

D. 45%

Answer: D

2. The largest three-digit number that gives the same remainder 2 when divided by 3, 5 and 9 is ________.

A. 999

B. 984

C. 998

D. 992

Answer: D

3. Two persons P and Q can do a job together in 36 days. Between P and Q, P is thrice as efficient as Q then in how many days can Q accomplish the assignment on his own?

A. 148

B. 144

C. 146

D. 140

Answer: B

4. The LCM of \and \ is:

A. \
B. \
C. \
D. \

Answer: B

5. The remainder when 1919 + 20 is divided by 18, is:

A. 1

B. 3

C. 0

D. 2

Answer: B

6. What is the fourth proportional to 7, 15 and 21?

A. 29

B. 30

C. 48

D. 45

Answer: D

7. In an election between two candidates, a candidate who gets 64% of the votes polled is elected by a majority of 252 votes. How many votes were cast in total?

A. 900

B. 850

C. 800

D. 950

Answer: A

8. Sofia sold an iPhone at the cost of Rs 46,068 at a loss of 12%. At what price will she have to sell it to make an 18% profit?

A. Rs 65,773

B. Rs 52,350

C. Rs 58,350

D. Rs 61,773

Answer: D

9. If the four-digit number 463y is divisible by 7, then what is the value of y?

A. 4

B. 6

C. 3

D. 5

Answer: A

10. A man sells two cows for Rs 15,640 each, making a 15% profit on one and a 15% loss on the other. Determine his overall gain or loss.

A. Rs 360 gain

B. Rs 360 loss

C. Rs 720 gain

D. Rs 720 loss

Answer: D

11. The remainder when 1919 + 20 is divided by 18, is:

A. 1

B. 3

C. 0

D. 2

Answer: B

12. What is the fourth proportional to 7, 15 and 21?

A. 29

B. 30

C. 48

D. 45

Answer: D

13. If the number 123456789 is divided by 9, then the remainder is:

A. 2

B. 0

C. 1

D. 3

Answer: B

14. If 36 : 81 :: x : 63, what is the value of x?

A. 29

B. 30

C. 28

D. 31

Answer: C

15. What is the LCM of 144, 360, and 450?

A. 3600

B. 2400

C. 7200

D. 4800

Answer: A

Arithmetic Questions and Answers in Hindi

Refer to the Arithmetic questions and answers in Hindi provided below:

1. यदि (A + B) का 20% = (A – B) का 30% है, तो B का कितनाप्रतिशत A के बराबर है?

A. 400%
B. 300%
C. 500%
D. 100%

Answer ||| C

2. रजनीश ने एक बैंक से ₹1,500 उधार लिए और दो समान वार्षिक किस्तों में ब्याज सहित पूरी राशि चुका दी, रजनीश द्वारा बैंक से उधार लेने के एक साल बाद पहली किस्त का भुगतान किया गया। यदि ब्याज की दर 40% प्रति वर्ष थी, जो वार्षिक रूप से संयोजित होती है, तो रजनीश द्वारा भुगतान की गई प्रत्येक किस्त का मूल्य (₹ में) क्या था?

A. 1125
B. 1470
C. 1225
D. 1350

Answer ||| C

3. एक राशि साधारण ब्याज पर 9 वर्षों में स्वयं का तीन गुना हो जाती है। प्रति वर्ष ब्याज की दर ज्ञात कीजिए।

A. \
B. \
C. \
D. \

Answer ||| D

4. A ₹75,000 के साथ एक व्यवसाय शुरू करता है और B ₹80,000 के निवेश के साथ 5 महीने बाद व्यवसाय में शामिल हो जाता है। 1 वर्ष के बाद, वे ₹4,08,800 का लाभ अर्जित करते हैं। A और B का हिस्सा ज्ञात कीजिए (₹ में)।

A. 2,52,000 और 1,56,800
B. 2,50,000 और 1,58,800
C. 2,48,000 और 1,60,800
D. 2,49,500 और 1,59,300

Answer ||| A

5. यदि 80 लीटर दूध के घोल में 60% दूध है , तो दूध को घोल में 80% करने के लिए कितना दूध मिलाया जाना चाहिए?

A. 70 लीटर
B. 50 लीटर
C. 60 लीटर
D. 80 लीटर

Answer ||| D

6. यदि x और y का महत्तम समापवर्तक (HCF) 15 है, तो 36x 2 – 81y 2 और 81x 2 – 9y 2 का महत्तम समापवर्तक _______ से विभाज्य है।

A. 135
B. 120
C. 180
D. 90

Answer ||| A

7. A, B और C द्वारा निवेश की गई पूंजी का अनुपात 3 : 4 : 8 है  व्यापार अवधि के अंत में, उन्हें 2 : 3 : 5 के अनुपात में लाभ प्राप्त हुआ। उनके निवेशित समय का अनुपात क्या है?

A. 15 : 16 : 13
B. 13 : 18 : 15
C. 16 : 18 : 15
D. 16 : 21 : 18

Answer ||| C

8. रेशमा साइकिल से 15 किमी/घंटा की गति से 45 किमी, कार द्वारा 40 किमी/घंटा की गति से 80 किमी और पैदल 2 किमी/घंटा की गति से 6 किमी की दूरी तय करती है। पूरी यात्रा के लिए उसकी औसत गति ज्ञात कीजिए (दशमलव के दो स्थानों तक सही)।

A. 16.38 किमी/घंटा
B. 43.50 किमी/घंटा
C. 18.36 किमी/घंटा
D. 15.25 किमी/घंटा

Answer ||| A

9.एक बेईमान व्यापारी अपने माल पर 50% अधिक मूल्य अंकित करता है और अंकित मूल्य पर 20% की छूट देता है। इसके अलावा, वह एक खराब तराजू का उपयोग करता है जो 900 ग्राम के लिए 1 किग्रा पढ़ता है। उसका शुद्ध लाभ प्रतिशत क्या है (निकटतम पूर्णांक तक पूर्णांकित)?

A. 24
B. 27
C. 36
D. 33

Answer ||| D

10. 25 पैसे, 50 पैसे, 2 रुपये और 5 रुपये के सिक्कों की संख्या का अनुपात क्रमशः 5 ∶ 4 ∶ 3 ∶ 1 है यदि सिक्कों की कुल राशि 285 रुपये है, तो 25 पैसे और 5 रुपये सिक्के की संख्या के बीच का अंतर हैं:

A. 80
B. 30
C. 40
D. 60

Answer ||| A

SSC Arithmetic Questions PDF

SSC Arithmetic questions is the most important component of the SSC exams. Therefore, for your reference we are going to provide you all with the SSC Arithmetic Questions PDF in both Hindi and English language below:

Download the PDFs from the given links

Preparation Strategy for Arithmetic Reasoning

If you are a new student and not able to solve all the Arithmetic questions then follow the preparation strategy provided below:

Topics Preparation Strategy
Speed Time And Distance You should begin with basic formulas and cover all kinds of questions starting from complex to basic.
Profit and Loss Learn the basic concepts questions first and then move on to solving questions.
Number Series Understand the pattern of series. The pattern can be in addition form, subtraction form, multiplication form, division form, square form, etc.
Number System Solve the problems based on LCM & HCF, Irrational or Rational Numbers.
Data Interpretation Practice problems on Bar Graphs, Pie Charts, Tables, etc.
Time & Work Learn Shortcut Tricks for Time & Work, Shortcut for Pipes and Cistern, Work & Efficiency, and practice problems based on these topics.
Mixture Solve problems based on two or more entities/mixtures.

Best Books for Arithmetic Questions

Books for Arithmetic questions and answers is a must-have if you want to ace the exam. To ace the exam, candidates must be dedicated to their studies and read the best study resources. This is due to the high level of competitiveness and the difficult exam pattern. Despite the fact that there are numerous math books accessible, candidates can utilize this page to select the finest books for Arithmetic questions and answers.

Books Author – Publication
Magical Book on Quicker Maths M Tyra
Quantitative Aptitude Dr R.S Agarwal
NCERT Maths NCERT – Grade 6 to 11
Online Quiz (thousands of questions to practice are available) BYJU’S Exam Prep

Importance of Best Books for Arithmetic Questions and Answers

Books are the most effective way to study and retain the information needed to pass an exam. They provide comprehensive coverage of the exam syllabus and allow for in-depth understanding of the concepts. Moreover, they offer practice exercises and mock tests that enable candidates to evaluate their progress and identify areas for improvement. Listed below are the importance of having best books for Arithmetic Questions.

  • Each subject and topic can be studied in depth theoretically.
  • It aids in deep learning and subject retention.
  • Comprehensive coverage of the entire curriculum.
  • Aids in the strengthening of your weaker areas.

Revision Tips for Arithmetic Questions and Answers

Revision is an essential part of any exam preparation, and this applies to arithmetic questions as well. Arithmetic questions are a crucial part of various competitive exams, and revising them regularly can offer numerous benefits.

  • Hone your skills through increased practice, especially if you have been preparing for the exam for the last one or two years.
  • Overcome your fear of mathematics by practicing it more and more.
  • Solve at least one previous year’s math question paper every day.
  • Use a divide-and-rule policy to overcome difficult and time-consuming questions.
  • Use the elimination method when attempting questions with multiple options.
  • Try to solve calculations mentally, instead of using a pen, to save time.
  • Set your mind to score good marks instead of attempting every question, as attempting every question may create unnecessary pressure.
  • Regularly practice SSC exams test series to improve your skills.
  • Practice on a daily basis to consistently improve your performance.

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