
An organic compound contains 78% (by wt.) carbon and the remaining percentage of hydrogen. The right option for the empirical formula of this compound is : [Atomic wt. of C is 12, H is 1]

By BYJU'S Exam Prep

Updated on: September 25th, 2023

(a) CH4

(b) CH

(c) CH2

(d) CH3

The right option for the empirical formula of this compound is CH3 [Atomic wt. of C is 12, H is 1].

Element Mass percentage No. of mole Mole ratio
C 78% 78/12 = 6.5 6.5/ 6.5 = 1
H 22% 22/1 = 22 22/6.5 = 3.38 = 3

From the calculation, the empirical formula is CH3.

Empirical Formula

  • The empirical formula, which is defined as the ratio of subscripts of the least whole number of the elements present in the formula, is the simplest formula for a compound. The simplest formula is another name for it.
  • The formula of a material expressed with the smallest integer subscript is referred to as an empirical formula for a compound.
  • The empirical formula provides details regarding the ratio of atom counts in the molecule. A compound’s empirical formula is directly related to its % content.

How to find the empirical formula?

  • Start by listing the grams of each element, which you often find in an experiment or are required to provide in a challenge.
  • Assume a sample’s total mass is 100 grams to simplify the computation and allow you to use straightforward percentages. Set the mass of each element to the percent, in other words. The total ought to be 100%.
  • You may convert the mass of each element in the periodic table into moles by multiplying its atomic weight by its molar mass.
  • Multiply each mole value by the few moles you determined through computation.
  • To the nearest whole number, round each number you receive. The mole ratio of the elements in the compound is represented by the whole numbers, which are the subscript numbers in the chemical formula that come after the element symbol.


An organic compound contains 78% (by wt.) carbon and the remaining percentage of hydrogen. The right option for the empirical formula of this compound is?

An organic compound contains 78% (by wt.) carbon and remaining percentage of hydrogen. The right option for the empirical formula of this compound is CH3 [Atomic wt. of C is 12, H is 1].

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