
A Freely suspended bar magnet will always rest in?

By BYJU'S Exam Prep

Updated on: September 25th, 2023

(A) North-South direction

(B) East-West direction

(C) South-West direction

(D) North-East direction

A freely suspended bar magnet always will rest in a North-South direction. As the earth’s magnetic south pole is in the direction of the geographic north, a freely suspended bar magnet will always rest in a north-south direction.

Bar Magnets Come in Two Varieties:

A cylindrical rod, also referred to as a rod magnet, has a thickness that is equal to or greater than its diameter, enabling it to have a high magnetic field. These bar magnets are used in research, experimentation, and education.

Rectangular bar magnets: Rectangular bar magnets are used in the engineering and industrial sectors because they have a stronger magnetic field than other magnets.

The earth’s magnetic north pole is located in the geographical south. A magnet aligns itself in the N-S direction as like poles repel each other and opposite poles attract.


A Freely Suspended Bar Magnet Will Always Rest in? (A) North-South direction (B) East-West direction (C) South-West direction (D) North-East direction

A bar magnet dangling freely always will come to rest towards the north and south. A freely suspended bar magnet always will rest in a north-south direction since the earth’s magnetic south pole lies in the geographic north direction.

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