Hacks to Learn and Memorize Things Faster

By Mayank Yadav|Updated : December 16th, 2021

10 Memory Hacks to Learn and Memorize Things Faster for RPSC RAS and VDO Exam: While preparing for any competitive exam, one of the most common problems faced by the aspirants is to retain the essential facts and information for a longer time. The average preparation time for any exam is around 8 - 10 months, and the syllabus is so vast. The result is they get stuck in the flood of information; syllabus left uncovered before the exam, and end up being puzzled and blank in the exam hall.
In this article, we would be sharing 10 memory hacks to learn and memorize things faster for RAS and VDO Exams. These tips would help you with the static general knowledge part, grammar rules of English, tips and tricks, and mathematics formulae.
Let us learn these magical tips one by one.

10 Memory Hack to Learn and Memorize Things Faster

Making Mind Maps/Mind palaces

Mind mapping is a method of using pictures, lines, and connections to relate core concepts. A central concept is linked to other concepts through lines, which are linked to other similar ideas.
Mind Mapping helps the students hold all of their topic thoughts together on one sheet. This makes it easy for note writing for students, as it lessens the number of papers. It makes it simpler to have one visual resource to refer to revise quickly. Then you can recall the details more quickly, quite an achievement, when you come back to check your notes!

Making Songs and Jingles

Like the palace of memories and pictures, songs, or jingles use the right side of the brain and can help us recall tricky items like calculations and lists. For stuff like the quadratic formula, there are already plenty of songs out there. 

Create Meaningful Groups/Mnemonics

Mnemonics to revise Battles of Panipat:


An effective memorizing technique is to produce a meaningful set of words/letters that simplify the content.
Let's imagine; for instance, you had to recall the names of four plants: garlic, rose, hawthorn, and mustard. The first letters are abbreviated to GRHM, so the image of a GRAHAM cracker can be linked to that. All you need to do now is remember to picture a graham cracker, and it'll be easy to recall the name of the plants.
Mnemonics are mechanisms and tricks that make data memorable. One example is linking the first letter of each word in a sentence with the first letter of each word in a list that needs to be memorized. Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Shelly, many kids learned the order of math operations (parentheses, exponents, multiply, divide, add, subtract).

Talk to yourself

Create meaningful groups / Mnemonics: Talk to yourself about the facts and concepts you are trying to memorize. Talking to yourself about the facts would help in revising and developing a deeper understanding of it.  

Sleep on it

Studies indicate that when we sleep, our brain processes and stores information. Before we go to sleep, try to revisit information, even if it's just for a few minutes, and see if it helps to integrate the data into your brain. This technique will help in retaining the data for a long time.

Write it out

Writing tends to assist us to more profoundly encode knowledge that we are attempting to understand because our hands and our brain are closely connected. While making the notes, try to say the facts out loud and imagine the idea. In this process, the concepts get revised in mind. 

Visual Metaphors and Analogies

This will not only allow you to recall but understand concepts, especially in mathematics and science. A metaphor is a way of understanding that one object is identical to another somehow. Metaphors will stick with you for years, particularly graphic ones. They prompt to glue concepts into the head as they are linked to neural networks already present. 

Linking with other information or memorable visual images

Try to attach a memorable picture to represent the facts/concept/information in order to memorize it. Photos are important since they attach to the visual memory of the brain directly. By digging into visual fields, pictures help you recall complicated concepts. One more method is linking everything you already know to the knowledge you are trying to memorize. It is more difficult to recall the scattered information than the one associated with others.

Self Assessment

Test yourself occasionally by effectively reviewing the notes you are attempting to study. Try to test yourself effectively—don't just read notes or study material. Students sometimes misbelieve that they remember the facts as it seems familiar to them while re-reading it. Instead, ask questions about yourself and push yourself without looking at the answer or the information to recall it. This would encourage you to recognise particular areas you are struggling with; you can then improve it. Often, shortly after trying to memorize something, stop quizzing yourself. Wait for some time and then check again if you can recall it.

Balanced and Healthy Diet and Regular exercise

The food you consume can have an impact on cognitive processes such as learning and attention span. Choose a protein- and fiber-rich meal that is minimal in added sugars. Maintaining a healthy level of hydration can assist you in learning how to learn rapidly. It can also help you concentrate. Even slight dehydration might make it harder to learn or retain information. It is important that we take care of the food we consume and the physical activity we engage in in order to figure out how to study quickly.

Exercise is beneficial for both the body and the mind. Exercise increases the amount of oxygen in the brain and improves learning ability. Regular exercise has also been shown to enhance mood, sleep, stress, and anxiety, all of which can have a detrimental impact on learning.

All The Best !!!

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