
1 cubic meter is equal to how many brass?

By BYJU'S Exam Prep

Updated on: September 25th, 2023

1 cubic meter is equal to 0.353 brass. Representation of cubic meter by brass.


  • 1 brass = 100 cubic feet
  • 1 cubic meter = 35.315 cubic feet


  • 1 brass = 100/35.315 = 2.831 cubic meter
  • 1 cubic meter = 1/2.831 = 0.353 brass

Cubic Meter

One thousand liters make up one cubic meter (one thousand liters). The symbol for it is M3 or the meter cube. When a cube’s length is one meter, the SI volume unit known as the cubic meter is used. Given that a cube’s sides are all equal, its volume is equal to:

V = length x breadth x width

V = 1m x 1m x 1m

V = 1 m3 or 1 cubic meter

How to calculate Cubic Meter?

  • The SI (International System of Units) unit of volume is the cubic meter. As is common knowledge, the volume of any solid’s shape is calculated. As a result, depending on the unit of measurement, the volume for all three-dimensional shapes is expressed in cubic meters or cubic centimeters.
  • If a cube or cuboid’s dimensions are given in meters, then its volume will also be given in metres cubic.

Therefore, 1 cubic meter = 0.353 brass


1 cubic meter is equal to how many brass?

1 cubic meter is equal to 0.353 brass. The International System of Units or SI unit is the unit of volume expressed in the cubic meter. If the dimensions of a cube or cuboid are given in meters, then the volume will be given in metres cubic.

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